Application Development Questionnaire

Mobile Application Development Form
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What type of app?
Are there other apps you find inspiring?
Will you require any third-party API integrations
Will you be selling memberships/accepting donations/payments through your application? (copy)
Do you have wireframes
Are there any apps out there now that does something similar?
Do you need login functionality?
Any rewards program tied to the app?
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
Server space
Creating a mobile app requires more than just frontend coding. You also need a backend for handling requests and a database for storing data. Firebase, a Backend-as-a-Service, can handle these tasks, freeing you to focus on the app itself.
Do you require App store release service
Launching your finished product involves releasing it on major platforms like Google Play and the App Store. However, these platforms impose release fees: a one-time $25 fee for Google Play and an annual $99 fee for the Apple Store. Additionally, both platforms deduct a fee from in-app purchases or subscriptions.